Accessory Swap – Fashion Forward

Wednesday, October 9 at 7:30 p.m.    Bring an accessory–scarf, jewelry, etc.–that is nice but you realize you don’t wear it.  Adding an accessory to the display table entitles you to choose an item brought by another sister, take it home and enjoy!  Kathy is our hostess.

Fundraising with Innisbrook,  If you haven’t tried the wrapping paper you are missing something!  Those orders are due at the October meeting and will be delivered at the November meeting.  No pamphlet?  Check out the web site above or click on “Contact Us” for more info or to place an order.

We are selling Fannie May--all candies and gift cards at discount prices–as our other major fundraiser.  Those order forms will be distributed at the Oct. meeting and order forms are due in November.

SAVE THOSE STAMPS AT JEWEL FOR RACHEL RAY DISHES!  We will consolidate all we have collected for dishes for our Northwestern University Settlement House family.  Carson’s Days are November 15 & 16, 2013.  This is an opportunity to earn money for the AXD Foundation and our charity Autism Speaks.

All Alpha Xi’s are welcome to attend meetings and/or contribute to any of the fund raising projects.  For details click on “Contact Us.”