Hope your summer is going well! See you in September!
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Chicago North Shore Membership Info
Already a CNS member or an Alpha Xi Delta sister who wants to join in the fun? Please click on the Membership Form link below, fill out this form to update our records and send to dianperkins@gmail.com. This will help Carol complete the directory distributed in September too!
Alpha Xi Delta Membership Form 5-2018
Dues are $50 for the year. $25 is for the CNS treasury and $25 goes to Fraternity Headquarters for the national fee. Click on Contact Us and send any questions.
Celebrating our Alpha Xi Delta Mileposts on May 9, 2018 & Upcoming Autism Speaks Walks on May 6 & May 12
Wednesday, May 9, 2018, at 7:30 p.m.
We honor sisters who are eligible to receive the Order of the Rose (50 years), Pearl (60 years), and Diamond (75 years) since last May, as well as acknowledge twenty-five year members and those members who have already attained the status of Order of the Rose, Pearl or Diamond. Join your sisters for this very special evening!
Pam is our hostess and Judy is our co-hostess.
Sunday, May 6, 2018 Autism Speaks Chicago North Shore Walk New Trier West campus Kit has set up a walking team–“Alpha Xi Delta Northshore Family and Friends”. Look for it when you sign up to walk and/or to donate. Here’s the link. Sunday, May 6, 2018 Autism Speaks Chicago North Shore
Saturday, May 12, 2018 Autism Speaks Chicago Walk Montrose Harbor, Chicago If you have questions, contact Kit.
If you are new to Chicago North Shore Alumnae, stop by and check us out! We’re all good sisters! Click on “Contact Us” for directions or complete details on any of the programs
Celebrate the All-Area Alpha Xi Delta Founders’ Day hosted by DePaul’s Iota Rho chapter on Sunday, April 15 from 7 pm-9:30 pm
Alpha Xi Delta’s have two great opportunities to celebrate our 125th anniversary and Founders’ Day! Click on this link for the invitation to the Founders’ Day celebration hosted by the Iota Rho chaper at DePaul University for the Sunday celebration. Look to the post directly before this for the Saturday Founders’ Day luncheon information at Allgauer’s in Northbrook.
Deadline is Saturday, April 7, for the All-Area Alpha Xi Delta Founders’ Day Luncheon on Saturday, April 21, 2018
All Alpha Xi’s are welcome! Celebrate our 125 year heritage at the Founders’ Day Luncheon Saturday, April 21, 2018. All details are on the Calendar page of this website. Print the sign-up form and mail to Deb Keyes or register on line through PayPal with the link on this website located in the right column on this Home page or in the Calendar section.
Chicago North Shore Alumnae Panhellenic Scholarship Dinner Benefit April 26, 2018
Wills and Their Importance — Wednesday, March 14, 2018
Wednesday, March 14, 2018, at 7:30 p.m. We are happy to announce that Jean, an attorney and our sister, will give her program on wills: “Wills and Their Importance”, which was previously scheduled for the February meeting. Thank you, Jean!
Most people should have a will. Wills can distribute your property, name an executor, name guardians for children, forgive debts, and more. Having a will also means that you, rather than your state’s laws, decide who gets your property when you die. Wills are signed by and and witnessed to ensure authenticity.
The program originally scheduled for March–Let’s Talk About Recipes–will be scheduled for a future meeting Dian is our hostess and Veronica is our co-hostess.
If you are new to Chicago North Shore Alumnae, stop by and check us out! We’re all good sisters! Click on “Contact Us” for directions or complete details on any of the programs
MEETING CANCELLED!!! NO MEETING on Wednesday, February 14, 2018
PLEASE NOTE: THIS MEETING IS CANCELLED. SEE YOU IN MARCH! Check back for details on the March meeting.
Have a Happy Valentine’s Day!
Wednesday, February 14, 2018, at 7:30 p.m. Wills and Their Importance Most people should have a will. Wills can distribute your property, name an executor, name guardians for children, forgive debts, and more. Having a will also means that you, rather than your state’s laws, decide who gets your property when you die. Willis are signed by and and witnessed to ensure authenticity. Our own sister, Attorney Jean Feehan will be the presenter. Come to Karen’s home and celebrate Valentine’s Day with your AXD sisters. Co-hostess: Karen
Carson’s Community Days booklets will be available for $5 each. Chicago North Shore will be selling booklets at Carson’s in February before the sale on March 1-3. If you can participate, sign up with Jean at the meeting.
If you are new to Chicago North Shore Alumnae, stop by and check us out! We’re all good sisters! Click on “Contact Us” for directions or complete details on any of the programs
January meeting date & time have changed to SATURDAY, JANUARY 13, 2018, at 11:00 am.
HAPPY NEW YEAR! Enjoy brunch or lunch in a private room at Bravo in Glenview on a Saturday–January 13–for our January meeting and fundraiser! We’re collecting a $5 donation from each sister to help finance our many Chicago North Shore Alumnae activities throughout the year. This replaces the meeting scheduled for Wednesday, January 10, 2018.
Here are the details: Saturday, January 13, 2018 at 11:00 a.m. Bravo Cucino Italiano, 2600 Navy Blvd., Glenview, IL 60026 847 724-8400
If you are new to Chicago North Shore Alumnae, stop by and check us out! We’re all good sisters! Click on “Contact Us” for directions or complete details on any of the programs
Holiday Celebration – December 13, 2017
Wednesday, December 13, 2017, at 7:30 p.m. Gifts for the Northwestern Settlement House family will be collected, and we will celebrate the holidays with our annual gift exchange and dessert. Marsha is our hostess and Martha is our co-hostess.
FUND-RAISING If you ordered Fannie May candy, you should have received it.
If you are new to Chicago North Shore Alumnae, stop by and check us out! We’re all good sisters! Click on “Contact Us” for directions or complete details on any of the programs