What Does the Alpha Xi Delta Foundation Do?? Nov. 11, 2015

On Wednesday, Nov. 11, 2015, Kendra Lewis, Director of Development for the AXD Foundation, will provide an update on current Foundation projects and how Foundation supports collegians and alumnae. Suzanne is our hostess and Carol our co-hostess.

Fannie May Candy orders are due Nov. 11.  The proceeds from this and the Innisbrook wrapping paper sales give us the opportunity to support our collegiate chapters, bring in speakers and do other activities.

Please note the date of the December meeting has changed.  It is now December 2, 2015.

Curious?  Want to check us out?  Drop by and meet us!  We’re all good sisters!                                                                                                                                               Click on “Contact Us” for directions or to receive complete details on any of the programs.

October 14, 2015 Our National Philanthropy – Autism Speaks

Erik Brekke, Special Education teacher at Maple School in Northbrook, will talk about teaching and helping students with autism at Veronica’s home.  Kit is our co-hostess.

Orders for Innisbrook wrapping paper, gift bags, etc. are due by the October meeting.   Support CNS-40% of sales comes to us.  Questions?  Need a catalog? Contact Suzanne.

Curious?  Want to check us out?  Drop by and meet us–all you need is yourself!        We’re all good sisters!                                                                                                                                               Click on “Contact Us” for directions or to receive complete details on any of the programs.



A New Season Starts Now! Salad Supper, Wed., Sept. 9

Come to Joan’s on Wednesday, September 9, 2015, at 6:45 p.m. to start the new season just right with your sisters.  Bring a favorite salad to share.  Linda is our co-hostess.

Curious?  Want to check us out?  Drop by and meet us–all you need is yourself!  No salad is necessary.  We’re all good sisters!                                                                                                                                               Click on “Contact Us” for directions or to receive complete details on any of the programs.

Next National Convention – CHICAGO!!

Save the date:  July 5-8, 2017.

Alpha Xi Delta’s next National Convention will be at the Marriott, 540 N. Michigan Avenue!

This is your opportunity to experience the fun of a National Convention in your own backyard!

Veronica and Martha posted photos on Facebook from their exciting time in Boston at National Convention July 1-4.  Check out our Facebook page.  They will tell all about it at our September meeting.  You won’t want to miss it!


Alpha Xi Delta’s will come together in Boston, Wednesday July 1- Saturday, July 4, 2015, to participate in our 51st National Convention!  Chicago North Shore Alumnae Association will be well represented with Veronica and Martha both attending.  We know they will enjoy these days of sisterhood!

We thank Jean for her good work as Association President and are happy to announce Penny as our new President!

Have a great summer!


Order of the Rose Ceremony & Installation of Officers

Wednesday, May 13, 2015, at 7:30 p.m.

Join your sisters for this special evening at Pam’s house when we celebrate those who have attained 50 years of membership.  The officers for 2015-17 will be installed also. .  Anita is our co-hostess.


New and just want to check us out?  Come and meet us–all you need is yourself!       We’re all good sisters!                                                                                                                                               Click on “Contact Us” for directions or to receive complete details on any of the programs.

Autism Speaks Walks

Sunday, May 3, 2015:  Northshore Walk starting at New Trier, West Campus, Northfield.

Saturday, May 16, 2015: Chicago 5K (3.2 miles) Walk starting at Soldier Field

Kit will participate.  Contact her for information or go to Autism Speaks web site to sign up to donate or click on contact us above to receive more information.



Sign up for the Founders’ Day luncheon for all Alpha Xi’s, Saturday, April 18, 2015 from noon to 3:00 p.m. at Jameson’s Charhouse, 1331 W. Dundee, Arlington Heights, IL    Cost:  $28 ($25 for collegians)  Reservations due by April 4.

DePaul’s Iota Rho chapter is hosting a Founders’ Day event on Friday, April 17, 2015   from 5:00 to 8:30 p.m., in Monroe Hall, DePaul Univ., 2312 N. Clifton Ave., Chicago, IL.     R.S.V.P. by March 30 via email to:    arc.axiddepaul@gmail.com.

Mark your calendars for the walks for Autism Speaks in May.                                          Sunday, May 3, at New Trier West and Saturday, May 16, at Soldier Field in Chicago.  Donations can be made to the AXD team to sponsor “Christopher Dammers ” with a goal to raise $1,000.  Go to the Chicago Autism Speaks website for details and donations (www.austismspeaks.org under this team name:  “alpha xi delta northshore family and friends).

New and just want to check us out?  Come and meet us–all you need is yourself!       We’re all good sisters!                                                                                                                                               Click on “Contact Us” for directions or to receive complete details on any of the programs.

March Meeting Changed to March 18

Wednesday, March 18, 2015 at 7:30 p.m.

Martha gives a Alpha Xi Delta Foundation update at Judy’s place.  Carol is co-hostess.

Please note that the March meeting was changed from the 2nd Wednesday to the 3rd Wednesday.  There is no regular meeting in April.   Please join us for the Founders’ Day luncheon on April 18.

Sign up for the Founders’ Day luncheon for all Alpha Xi’s, Saturday, April 18, 2015 from noon to 3:00 p.m. at Jameson’s Charhouse, 1331 W. Dundee, Arlington Heights, IL    Cost:  $28 ($25 for collegians)  Reservations due by April 4.

New and just want to check us out?  Come and meet us–all you need is yourself!       We’re all good sisters!                                                                                                                                               Click on “Contact Us” for directions or to receive complete details on any of the programs.

Fashion night

Wednesday, February 11, 2015 at 7:30 p.m.

Debbie Franklin presents:  CAbi or “Carol Anderson by invitation” fashions at Jean’s home.  Bring a favorite article of clothing and Debbie will give you ideas on how to use it or accessorize it.  Kit Lenser is the co-hostess.

Carson’s Day are approaching, Friday, February 27 and Saturday, February 28.                 If you can sell booklets at the store before these dates, contact Penny.

Founders’ Day luncheon for all Alpha Xi’s, Saturday, April 18, 2015 from noon to 3:00 p.m. at Jameson’s Charhouse, 1331 W. Dundee, Arlington Heights, IL.                                Cost:  $28 ($25 for collegians)  Reservations due by April 4.

New and just want to check us out?  Come and meet us–all you need is yourself!       We’re all good sisters!                                                                                                                                               Click on “Contact Us” for directions or to receive complete details on any of the programs.