January 9, 2021 – Day at the Races


Saturday, January 9, 2021, at 1:00 p.m., via Zoom

In recent Januarys we have gathered at a restaurant. During this year of “virtual” gatherings, we’ll “Go to the Races” via Zoom! Race games and Bingo! Join us! Contact Dian with questions.

If you are new to Chicago North Shore Alumnae, click on Contact Us to let us know you would like the information to join the ZOOM gathering. All Alpha Xi’s are welcome!

December 9, 2020


Wednesday, December 9, 2020, 7:30 p.m., Zoom Meeting    
Social and Community Wellbeing Cont.       

No snow worries this year! Enjoy the Holiday meeting from the comfort of your home and show off your “Ugly” sweater! Have some fun with this–that’s the purpose of these Holiday sweaters!

This year in particular–sisterhood can lift our spirits, and that in turn can lead to us passing joy and good will to others.

November 11, 2020 – “Finding Shakespeare in America”


Wednesday, November 11, 2020, 7:30 p.m., Zoom Meeting     Social and Community Wellbeing            Colleen Sehy speaks on “Finding Shakespeare in America.”  A Kappa sister tells about the Shakespeare in our midst.

Reminders: CNS members will receive an email from Holly about participating in the holiday project of helping a family from the Northwestern University Settlement House Let her know by November 6, 2020, if you are interested in buying a gift or donating for a gift card.

CNS is selling pecans and Fannie May! If you have had these pecans in past years, you know they are huge and delicious–for baking or eating @ $12 per 1 lb. bag. For snacking there are the irresistible chocolate covered pecans @ $9 per 12 oz. bag. Let Carla know your order.

Karen is coordinating the Fannie May sales. Here are links to the Holiday brochure and order form. Fannie May brochure Unsure of the kind of candy to buy? Discounted gift cards are the answer! Fannie May order form

Autism Speaks Virtual Walk: Chicago North Shore – Sunday, October 11, 2020  See Calendar page for links to details.

October 14, 2020 Community Wellbeing with Book Discussion


Clear Vision of Life, Wellbeing Program

Wednesday, October, 14, 2020     Community Wellbeing with Book Discussion        The New York Times Bestseller novel about racism in the USA, Small Great Things by Jodi Picoult will be the focus of the discussion facilitated by Trish.

Reminders of Autism Speaks Virtual Walks: ChicagoSeptember 19, 2020 Chicago North Shore – Sunday, October 11, 2020  See Calendar page for links to details.

September 9, 2020 – Social Wellbeing: A Virtual Feast


Clear Vision of Life, Wellbeing Program

Wednesday, September 9, 2020, at 7:00 p.m.

The year will feature Alpha Xi Delta’s Wellbeing Program.  It is from Wellbeing, The Five Essential Elements” by T. Rath and J. Harter.  Traditionally, Chicago North Shore starts its year with a salad supper, but not THIS year! It will be a Virtual Feast for social purposes; and when you choose your salad, consider your Physical Wellbeing! It is said that “Every hour of Social Time keeps stress away.”

Share joys and concerns on the ZOOM meeting and find out how sisters have weathered COVID-19 the past few months. Members have been emailed instructions to join the meeting.

If you are new to Chicago North Shore Alumnae, click on Contact Us to let us know you would like the information to join the ZOOM meeting. All Alpha Xi’s are welcome!

May 13, 2020 Meeting is Now Virtual


Fifty is Awesome, Fifty is Nifty

Wednesday, May 13, 2020, at 7:30 p.m.  There will NOT be an In-Person meeting at Pam’s house. There will be a virtual meeting–same date and same time. CNS members will be notified.  Not a member yet?  Click on Contact Us at the top of this page and ask about it.

Celebration of the Milestones of Order of the Rose, Pearl, and Diamond will take place at a later date.




The governor of Illinois has issued a “Shelter-in-Place” order until April 30, 2020, during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

The area-wide Founders’ Day event scheduled for April 25, 2020, has been POSTPONED and RESCHEDULED FOR SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 2020, at 1:00 p.m.

The Chicago North Shore Alumnae Panhellenic Benefit scheduled for Wednesday, April 22, 2020, has been CANCELLED but welcomes ticket purchases as donations. The donations will be used for the scholarships, which would have been awarded at the benefit. There will be some raffle items available, also. Check back here for the latest on how you can help!

Any scheduling changes will be posted on this website.