PLEASE NOTE: THIS MEETING IS CANCELLED. SEE YOU IN MARCH! Check back for details on the March meeting.
Have a Happy Valentine’s Day!
Wednesday, February 14, 2018, at 7:30 p.m. Wills and Their Importance Most people should have a will. Wills can distribute your property, name an executor, name guardians for children, forgive debts, and more. Having a will also means that you, rather than your state’s laws, decide who gets your property when you die. Willis are signed by and and witnessed to ensure authenticity. Our own sister, Attorney Jean Feehan will be the presenter. Come to Karen’s home and celebrate Valentine’s Day with your AXD sisters. Co-hostess: Karen
Carson’s Community Days booklets will be available for $5 each. Chicago North Shore will be selling booklets at Carson’s in February before the sale on March 1-3. If you can participate, sign up with Jean at the meeting.
If you are new to Chicago North Shore Alumnae, stop by and check us out! We’re all good sisters! Click on “Contact Us” for directions or complete details on any of the programs